We work hard to form a close bond with all of our animals. This entails frequent contact with each animal, gentle handling, and minimizing stress in their environment.
Apple Finished GMO-Free Pastured Pork
Pigs are our passion at Fallen Aspen Farm. All of our pigs are given a daily ration of non-GMO feed and are moved frequently to new pastures. They are also supplemented with apples weekly from a local cider press, pumpkins and nuts when in season.
We let our pigs BE pigs. They are raised outside all year round where they have the ability to root, range and form relationships with other pigs. We provide shelters and dry bedding.
Our piglets are farrowed and finished on pasture. We leave the weaning time up to our sows. Our piglets are never separated from their mothers before 8 weeks old.
We have taken heritage breeds, mixed our own and are still working towards our perfect hybrid for our farm. Our breeds include Mulefoot, Large Black Hogs, Duroc, Mangalitsa, Kune Kune, Gloucestershire Old Spot and Ossabaw Island Hogs.
Pastured Poultry
Our chickens are fed a non-GMO diet and moved on pasture daily. They get free choice of grain, along with all the greens and bugs that they can catch. Their diet produces a superior flavor in our eggs and meat.
Grass-Fed Lamb
We raise a mix of Katahdin, Black Welsh Mountain, Gotland and Icelandic Sheep. Some sheep have wool others do not. We chose a mix between the breeds for parasite resistance and body conformation. The sheep are moved every 1-4 days to new pasture. The build our soils and create delicious nutrient dense 100% grass fed lamb. We do not feed any grain to our sheep.